Breadth Depth Use case BDM image 20220118

From IHC to Immune Profiling: Managing Data Breadth and Depth to Inform Clinical Programs

January 10, 2022 — With immuno-oncology assets progressing in the clinic, a growing biotechnology company we work with faces an increasingly common challenge:

Their trials are generating large datasets across a wide range of assay modalities (Figure 1), but the data remains siloed.

In addition to clinical data coming from the clinical research organization (CRO), the velocity of data coming from an assay services laboratory continuously delivering biomarker data from flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, and genomics platforms quickly becomes overwhelming. Still another, separate data stream comes from a specialty laboratory delivering T-cell receptor (TCR) profiling data.

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From Translational Teams to Biomarker Operations: The Cross-Functional Impact of a Fragmented Clinical Trial Data Ecosystem

August 31, 2021 — Clinical samples are moving across an increasing number of physical/virtual locations and data is delivered in an expanding array of file formats as clinical trials become increasingly more complex and data rich (report).

Biospecimens are analyzed using a variety of assay technologies, each generating its own set of reportables, quality control metrics and data/file formats. Data is delivered through multiple, disconnected pipelines (Figure 1).

This complexity creates obstacles for many functional groups within sponsor organizations:

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Webinar Biomarker Data Chaos QuartzBio

Webinar On Demand: Transcending Biomarker Data Chaos

Register for the webinar here

Title: Transcending Biomarker Data Chaos: How Integrating Disparate PK, Clinical & Exploratory Data Enables Deep Translational Insights

Duration: 30 minutes

You will see how teams unlock translational intelligence:

  • Navigate vast exploratory data – identify trends and data points of interest
  • Surface insights – analyze biomarker trends in collaborative dashboards across subject IDs, time points, response status, and treatment groups
  • Access data rapidly – point and click navigation to underlying data files to interrogate the raw data behind the summary values
  • Interrogate cross assay – map to a common data Read More →
QuartzBio Contextualize Biomarker Data Decades Experimental Results Image 2021

How to Use Technology to Contextualize Biomarker Data Within Decades of Experimental Results for Intuitive Biological Insight Generation

July 29, 2021 — Translational research teams producing large datasets from biomarker-rich trials quickly face the next challenge: generating actionable insights from their data.

As we described in a previous case study, we have been working with many teams to enable deep mechanistic insight generation from their biomarker data to aid in signature development for selecting patients, predicting therapeutic response, and informing key development decisions.

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