Talk to your data to get fast answers across the entire sample lifecycle
Duration: 30 minutes
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What you’ll learn:
Every day, you are pressed to make decisions based on chaotic, disconnected flows of biospecimen status and consent information.
Learn how conversational AI enables you to talk to your biospecimen data. Ask a question, get an answer, and begin your journey from chaos to insight across the entire biospecimen lifecycle.
Join Bill Hall for a demo of our virtual Sample Inventory Management solution, powered by an AI-enabled Biomarker Intelligence Platform and intuitive Virtual Assistant:
- Access, interrogate, and conversationally derive valuable insights from sample data across clinical trials
- Proactively surface discrepancies and act on trends as they emerge
- Gain insights into vendor and site performance
- Get answers in seconds on status of sample shipments, testing, stability and expiration
Bill will be chatting with the QuartzBio Virtual Assistant, the intuitive new guide to the QuartzBio platform!
Who should attend:
- Biomarker and Biospecimen Operations
- Clinical Operations
- Translational Researchers
- Biosample Management Teams