Clinical sample management made easy with QuartzBio® vSIM and AI Virtual Assistant

  • Identify missing samples (expected, but not collected)
  • Identify out of protocol collections (collected, but not expected)
  • Designed to handle different collection groups (cohorts, amendments, regions)
  • Apply business logic to compare actual visit dates vs. expected visit dates
  • View projected collections for a patient
  • Identify missing samples (expected, but not collected)
  • Identify out of protocol collections (collected, but not expected)
  • Designed to handle different collection groups (cohorts, amendments, regions)
  • Apply business logic to compare actual visit dates vs. expected visit dates
  • View projected collections for a patient
  • Apply business logic to assess sample stability based on assay-specific criteria
  • Flag sample expiration
  • Visual & tabular outputs
  • User can create dynamic dashboards and widgets
  • Enterprise Reporting:
    • Report on sample collection summaries across studies
    • Site- and vendor-level reporting across studies
  • Automated standard data checks
  • File-level structure and format checks
  • Potential issues from subject IDs
  • Potential issues from duplicate
  • Sample IDs
  • Identify discrepancies between data that resides in any two source files
  • Summary output in vSIM report
  • Issues queries in the Query Tracker
  • Automatically generated queries issued from various data checks and data reconciliation
  • Automatically close resolved queries
  • Users can resolve queries
  • Users can download Query Tracker to manage queries with labs
  • Tabular view of available samples based on configurable business logic (e.g., sample status, sample stability, open queries, batch size)
  • Identify samples eligible for shipping
  • Shipment tracking module available in QuartzBio’s UI that links to courier databases (FedEx, Quickstat, and World Courier)
  • Get visibility into consent status by linking digital indicators of consent to sample metadata

vSIM capabilities deliver sample intelligence. Add our AI Virtual Assistant for even faster insights.

How drug development teams gain insights using vSIM

Track samples across the lifecycle of collection, processing, testing, and storage to make sure the right samples get to the right place at the right time.

Monitor sample collections per protocol (e.g., missed samples, out of protocol)

Comprehensive view of samples, harmonized from all lab sources and EDC

Automated data checks and sample reconciliation checks, with a centralized query tracker

Address discrepancies before database lock, monitor site and vendor performance, and retrain sites if needed.

Identify patterns of non-compliance at sites to enable timely course correction

Ensure quality data and compliance with sample collections

Automated sample recon between EDC and labs, enabling timely corrections

Monitor sample availability, quality, and consent status to properly plan batch testing runs.

Centralized view of sample testing status across all assays and testing labs

Assess sample stability and flag samples approaching expiration

Accelerate decisions with our AI Virtual Assistant

Get fast, easily consumable insights from your sample data with the simplicity of natural language questions.

Learn how vSIM can support your clinical programs

Related resources

Info Sheet

virtual Sample Inventory Management Info Sheet (PDF)

Capabilities List

virtual Sample Inventory Management Capabilities List (PDF)

Biomarker Operations, Webinars & Events

Webinar On Demand: Taming clinical sample chaos with conversational AI